I must say Cincinnati did there best to try to win bet again they ripped the hearts out of Reds fans everywhere. Who would have thought with the Reds up 2 games to nothing would have lost 3 straight at home. They left on more runners than scoring at home. I know the guys put their heart and soul into this season and everyone including me thought they would at least make it to the World Series. I wound up being miserably wrong. However congrats to the Giants they played the way the should loose and nothing to lose. The Reds on the other hand played tight the whole home stand. I tip my hat to you San Francisco Giants.
Now with my Cincinnati Reds have been eliminated from the playoff now I can now concentrate on more pressing things rooting for The........ wait for it ....... wait for it.......University of Kentucky Wildcats basketball, what you thought I would say The Ohio State Buckeyes????!!! Your nuts if you thought I would root for a tree nut. I digress. The BBN (Big Blue Nation) not only again celebrated number 8 by rehanging the banner from last year, they celebrated the current roster of Coach Cal's latest mad scientist project with mixing new talent with experienced veterans. The Cats will miss all-glue man Darius Miller this year someone will have to step up to be that ice man to make the big shot. Here is to you Coach and a great season. All I got to say to the other teams you have been put on notice .