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Monday, December 17, 2012

Not to criticize but....

guns should be regulated like this 
We as Americans realize there are monsters in our world more so now than ever.   That is more evident now than ever with the event that happened in the sleepy town of Newtown, CT.   When a gunman ( I refuse to mention his name) opened fire on 20 innocent children and 6 adults.  When is the time to debate mental issues and gun control issues.   Do we have to wait for another tragedy to happen?  We as a country cannot accept anymore innocents being killed in cold blood.  The NRA and Republicans want us to believe that more guns are the answer.  I don't agree with that, we need to restrict assault weapon sales and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, these are not used for hunting, these are killing machines in the hands of the deranged.   Washington needs to ignore the gun lobby and do the right thing by introducing comprehensive gun legislation that will enforce background checks and criminal checks, and do away with gun show sales.   There is too much gun violence in this country, we lead the world in gun violence, that needs to change.

I know most people will disagree with my opinion and that is ok.  I expect that.  I am not saying take away all guns, I am saying take away assault weapons from John Q Public and max capacity magazines.  These should only be available to military and  law enforcement only.   

Hunting has always been part of this culture here in America.  I am not calling for a total ban on firearms.   we need a pragmatic approach to gun control.   We need the NRA to be what it is meant to be not an organization that tries to block all kinds of gun control, but be big enough to realize that we need measures in place to keep guns out of the hands of people that want to do harm to our children and innocents and empower law enforcement to get the bad guys.  

More guns is not the answer for this debate.   It is far from the right answer.  

Mental health  is the red head step child of the health world.   We need to be in discussions now about mental health and what is causing this string of violence.   Mental health is an easy target, but we need to know how these people tick and sets them off and we need to understand what happens.   These people need to be nurtured and know there are people who care about them.   We as a country  need to wrap are arms around this and get to the root of the problem with mental health.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Sports and more

It seems to me that I have not written much about sports here lately , well when you live in an area that does not have a great team to write about you tend to find other things to write about.   I am not big on MMA  or boxing fan.   The Reds are in the off season and have made a couple trades.  The Bengals are so so , I honestly don't invest the time with them.  The Wildcats have been mediocre at best.   So yeah its been kind of a down month sports wise.   Other than that I have been writing about what strikes me as funny.   With that said lets get into some sports stuff for a change.

The Reds have traded Stubbs away to the Cleveland Indians for Choo and other players both ways.  Drew has been mediocre at the plate, he is awesome in the field defensively.   I was talking to to someone the other day and thought the Reds should have sent Drew to an optometrist to see if there was anything wrong with his eyes , to me it seemed like Stubbs just could not pick the ball up out of the pitchers hand.   Who knows.   best of luck to him in Cleveland.   In the deal the Reds get Shin-Soo Choo who is a decent replacement, but not a center fielder he will have to transition to center field.   He is however another lefty bat that can be used at the top of the lineup.  The Reds will only have Choo for one year so hopefully it is win now and hope fore the best.

In other Cincinnati sports news the Bengals played last night that is all.............

Did you think I would snub the Bengals, well you are partly right they also won 34-13 against the Philadelphia Eagles.

What is wrong with the Kentucky Wildcats?  I tell you whats wrong they are not playing as a team, there is no leadership on this team, and lack of rebounding.   Granted they have been playing cupcakes that do not have the athletic prowess of Duke or Maryland.   I know Coach will have them fine tuned come March , but this team will not win a National Championship this year, they are just not that good at the point and on the wings.   They may not even win the SEC this year.   Easy BBN just being realistic not bashing.  If this team does not gel now together and play for each other they will lose against the Cardinals at the end of the year just saying.

Well everyone have a Merry Christmas I will get one more post out before the end of the year. Enjoy some Sinatra while you read until next time.