239 days of vacation |
I call shenanigans. That's right shenanigans. How is it that Faux News and their big corporate sponsors can buy an election? I can tell you that the
Koch Brothers have bought and paid for this mid-term election. It is definitely not on the success of what congress has put forth. To be able to block and filibuster everything this sitting POTUS has wanted to put through Boehner and McConnell have stymied and gone on
vacation to avoid actually working. That to me is bullshit. Granted I am fortunate enough to have an employer that gives me vacation days but I do not get 239 days. It would be nice to have that. The American people have done a disservice to their Nation. The mantra if ain't broke don't fix it if that is the case then the wheels have fell off the bus and its about to get worse. Before you start calling me a bleeding heart liberal, or I am what is wrong with America, let me throw out this little nugget for you. During the depression FDR put in place drastic measures to save this country from the brink with the
New Deal. These sweeping changes brought forth the regulation on the banks and focused on the American people putting them to work and bringing an end to the Great Depression. If we leave to the Republicans to run this government all hell will break loose. The ACA as we know it according to Mitch McConnell will be "ripped out by the root and branch" These next two years I call on every Democrat Senator to stall and stymie Mitch McConnell and his cronyism politics. To the State of Kentucky I am highly disappointed in you. You had a chance to shut down the Koch machine but instead like sheep to a wolves den you have been misled and now who will save you? War on Coal was not started by Obama, it was started by the man who had the office previously, Dick er I mean George W. Bush. They are both oil men and wanted their people to reap the benefits of less coal fired plants. My Appalachian brethren need to realize the
economics have changed and that has long happened way before this sitting POTUS has taken office.
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