Exxon $11billion 1st quarter profit Shell Oil $8 billion in profits |
would you trust this guy ?? Saudi King Abdullah |
We need to either drill for more of our own oil, and produce our own oil and quit depending on foreign oil. We also need to bring manufacturing back to this country that is the only way to jump start this economy , we need to boycott everything made in China people, its made cheap and not held to the high quality of American made things. We need to support our local farmers cause without them, this country would be in real trouble. I am sick and tired of the fighting between Republicans and Democrats, damn it Washington we are Americans first do what is right for the country listen to each other quit bickering about who will not do what, or who is grandstanding I do not care. Just get the job done that you were put in there to do. Same goes on the State level . I am going to quote the great Henry Ford here ,"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." , this not only applies in business but in government as well. OK I will get off my soapbox for now , it just stinks that big oil is not listening.
Make it a great day.