You know what I hate more than anything...........putting up Christmas lights on the outside. I know mundane stuff here. Think about it though, if you live in a cold climate like I do it suuuuuccccckkkkkssssss!!!! Moms turn your heads and blind your kids eyes cause I said a bad word . Never said I was kid friendly here . I know got side tracked , but honestly who in their right mind would do this stuff in the cold of late fall/early winter. Not I but I do anyways like a mindless oaf pillaging a village. Christmas lights are definitely not my favorite thing to put up but they are pretty to look at.
Interestingly enough I do a pretty bang up job putting up the Christmas lights , nothing like Clark W. Griswold in Christmas Vacation. You know the neighbor that really goes overboard with the lights or the one that is really and I mean really tacky with their light decorations. I mean you have a nice home but really stink with the Christmas lights. Makes me laugh all the way down the lane.
So if you have not put up your lights follow these tips, if being elaborate with your lights make sure everything is in sync, if not your light display will be the laughing stock of the neighborhood, if you do chasing lights make sure to post warnings in your yard about epileptic seizures, don't want a neighborhood kid in your yard needing emergency help ( I know this is not a laughing matter). By all means do not try to out do the guy down the street that has 14 inflatable yard decorations,plastic Santa Clause on the roof and every line of the house lined in in every color imaginable. Employ the K.I.S.S method of things Keep It Simple Stupid. If you follow that method your Christmas light display will be simple and elegant and make your home look good, not like the Griswold's down the street.
Monday, November 26, 2012
This is going to be a quick little blurb here today folks. This is going to be off the wall and you may be wondering where in the hell I am going with this who knows and who really cares right. Some of my ramblings are somewhat concise and other well somewhat elaborate. Do you ever wonder if we are really alone in this great vast space. I for believe there has to be other life sustaining galaxies other than our own. If we really think that we are alone here then we must really have our heads in the sand. I know I have never blogged about the unknown, but it has been a topic that have been very interested in, and the multiple conspiracy theories out there keep you guessing.
I have always been intrigued by the mystic of Area 51. Yes I know our government denies what really goes on there, but why else would a not so top secret air base be in the middle of no where? Do they really charge $10,000 for a hammer to fund it? I know quoting a line from my favorite movies "Independence Day".
Do we really know what aliens are and no not illegal aliens from other countries. Are the small little green men or are they humanoid like us and can pass for a human from earth much like aliens from "Star Trek" and "Star Wars" or are they more like the monsters from the "Predator" or "Alien". I know some people don't really care or do not really even bother with the unknown. Much like ghost and goblins and demons. If it is not seen it is not real. It is however something to think about. Well until next time have a good one
Deck the halls and all that jazz. 'Tis the season of gift buying and tree trimming, decorating the outside with lights and figurines and the such. Still others have forgotten the reason for the season. I know some are going to say I am being a bigot or whatever else but I am proud to say that I am a Christian and that I do say Merry Christmas. Not Happy Holidays. Not that I am unaware of the other holidays that fall in December. For Christians it is the birth of Jesus Christ the Savior born in the town of Bethlehem. Where the shepherds found the babe dressed in swaddling clothes laying in a manger. Most Americans have forgotten why, well in my opinion they simply choose to ignore it.
Christmas time in a America is upon us, another year to reflect on our successes and our failures in life. To look forward to new chapters in life. Now a days I feel like George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life" I wonder what it would be like if I were not around, but I think how life would be different if Will were not around and so I keep plugging away at life. I am very blessed to say the least.
In putting up your Christmas tree look at the face of your children to see how their faces light up when decorating and to hear the excitement in their voices know that soon Saint Nick will be visiting to give gifts to all the good boys and girls. All that I want for Christmas is a head full of hair but genetics took care of that for me. But seriously I will continue posting during the season of joy and laughter.
That is all I have for now , Seasons Greetings and have a blessed month.
Now that the election has died down, and the Republicans are licking their wounds, and there is somewhat a bit of glasnost between the political parties lets get down to the brass tacks about Kentucky basketball. Yup heard me right Kentucky basketball, the NCAA's winningest basketball program , opened their season last week against Maryland and on this past Tuesday played Duke, Against Maryland the Cats well played like freshman and pulled out a win. Then on Tuesday they again played like freshman against Duke and got beat. Granted UK played well, they did not play well enough to beat Duke. I know Calipari recruits the b est players he can get , however this team is not last years' team. This team I do not think has the NBA quality players of last year this point and time. There is a lot of work to be done rebounding and staying home on defense. When both bigs are in the game they should not be going after the block at the same time. When they do they leave the glass wide open for offensive put backs. I know I am being critical of them but I would rather lose now than in March.
Now with basketball in full swing we want to welcome to the ranks of D1 basketball Northern Kentucky University Norse opened against San Diego , unfortunately they lost but here is to success to the Norse from NKU.
Is Eli an elite QB? Granted he lost to the Bengals last Sunday, but you have to give the Bengals credit they played great to keep the GMen 0 for their last 6 in Cincy. My opinion may differ from my fellow Morehead State University alum Phil Simms. On CBS sports network Simms does not think that Eli is an elite enough quarterback in the NFL. When I think of elite quarterbacks these men do come to mind, Joe Montana, Dan Marino, Joe Namath, Terry Bradshaw, Tom Brady, and the Manning brothers. Eli is up there, so I have to respectfully disagree with you Phil.
That is all I have for now music pick of blog is going to be ........
November 11th was in the beginning called Armistice Day after the treaty with the Allies and Germany after The Great War or World War I. I know most American kids probably do not know that bit of American history. November 11th became Veterans Day on which the amendment was signed into law on May, 26 1954 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Just a little history lesson to let people know the precursors to Veterans Day.
I want to thank those that have served our great nation of the United States of America . To those that paid the ultimate sacrifice I honor you every day. American service members are the elite of this country, not the so called millionaires and billionaires. These men and women sacrifice everything so that we can be free and I thank them , Being from a military family , where my grandfathers, uncles, cousins and father in law having served or are serving, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for keeping us safe and free.
Thats all I have for now, be sure to thank a Vet today.
The election season is almost over , which I am thankful for. I cannot stand all the ads that lie and stretch the truth, or have no truth at all. Mitt Romney and the right are worse at telling lies. They make up things just to get a vote. Here is a novel idea tell the truth Mitt. I mean you open up 10 years, 10 years worth of tax records to John McCain when he was vetting you for the Veep in 2008, why not open it up to the American people so they know the truth and not have to speculate, or is the fact that you hardly pay any taxes what so ever that your ashamed. Hell you are not ashamed Mitt you love the fact that you are bilking the working class of America, you think we are just dumb enough to vote your ass in and then you are going to stick it to the blue collar man for voting for you. The truth shall set you free Mitt.
Speaking of truth has any one heard the latest from the NRA and their pack of lies????? Once again the NRA is fear mongering to white males that the POTUS and Democrats are going to take your guns. When in fact no gun legislation has ever been introduced to Congress. The Dems are not going to take your guns and if there is a ban on assault weapons is it really that bad you cannot ever buy an AK-47 or 100 round magazines? Plus to me weapons like that are not necessary to protect yourself or your family. Besides if something like that were to ever go thru if you already own it, it will get grandfathered in. Truth be known it was Mitt Romney when governor of Massachusetts he signed a total ban on assault weapons for that state that is still in effect today. So now who do you trust gun owners?
I understand that political speak is not popular or not cool or whatever. I am concerned with where this country is going. I think the POTUS has done a hell of job considering the fact that he has met resistance from the right. Jobs have been steadily going up, not at a rate that everyone likes, could it be better absolutely. Could have been worse most definitely. The American spirit cannot be broken but if Mitt goes in as the POTUS what progress has been made will without a shadow of doubt will be upended. With that so will the American spirit cause Mitt will not be for the middle class. He will not stand up to China he will cower, granted yes China does own a lot of US debt.
I know some friends and family will not agree with my points of view and that is OK to me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I welcome any all points of view. I like good spirited debates, I won't however tolerate belligerence and dis-respectfulness no matter what your view point is. That being said election day is almost upon us happy voting it is your civic duty as Americans to choose your leaders, one who you think will serve your concerns.
Cabs submerged from storms surge
I am going to close today with this our brothers and sisters in the Northeast got hit hard by the storm of the century. The state of New Jersey and New York City got hammered hard by hurricane Sandy. Please donate to the American Red Cross whatever your able to do. To me the American spirit is represented by neighbors extending the helping hand to their neighbors not only in an emergency, but at all times no matter what the circumstance. Whether your dealing with the feet of snow or damage from storm surge just know you all are in my prayers.
That is all for today have a good one , my opinion a very fitting song.