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Sunday, November 25, 2012
'Tis the Season
Deck the halls and all that jazz. 'Tis the season of gift buying and tree trimming, decorating the outside with lights and figurines and the such. Still others have forgotten the reason for the season. I know some are going to say I am being a bigot or whatever else but I am proud to say that I am a Christian and that I do say Merry Christmas. Not Happy Holidays. Not that I am unaware of the other holidays that fall in December. For Christians it is the birth of Jesus Christ the Savior born in the town of Bethlehem. Where the shepherds found the babe dressed in swaddling clothes laying in a manger. Most Americans have forgotten why, well in my opinion they simply choose to ignore it.
Christmas time in a America is upon us, another year to reflect on our successes and our failures in life. To look forward to new chapters in life. Now a days I feel like George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life" I wonder what it would be like if I were not around, but I think how life would be different if Will were not around and so I keep plugging away at life. I am very blessed to say the least.
In putting up your Christmas tree look at the face of your children to see how their faces light up when decorating and to hear the excitement in their voices know that soon Saint Nick will be visiting to give gifts to all the good boys and girls. All that I want for Christmas is a head full of hair but genetics took care of that for me. But seriously I will continue posting during the season of joy and laughter.
That is all I have for now , Seasons Greetings and have a blessed month.
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